The Ensemble

A successful orchestra is not simply made of talented individual musicians but a thoughtfully composed group. This recreational center seeks to manifest the synergy of musical ensemble into a conglomeration of inter-reliant intersecting activity cubes. Symbolically, the cubes rely on each other to create and uphold the whole edifice. Each intersection possesses spatial synergy created by separate events. This center is an analogy and as well as an encouragement to the collaborative efforts played in an orchestra. The whole is greater than sum of the parts.

Two enveloping strategies (Wrapper & Volume) are designed to coincide with the programmatic characteristics.  Programmes with centralised activity zone and periphery circulation such as swimming pool, basketball court, badminton court and rooftop amphitheatre employ a wrapper strategy. Programmes with flexible activity arrangement and organic circulation in space such as multi-purpose activity rooms and gyms will employ volume envelope strategy.

  • Site: San Francisco, USA

    Year: Fall 2018

    Status: M.Arch Integrated Studio, UC Berkeley

    Program: Recreational Center for music students

    Instructor: Roddy Creedon




Chronological Antiquity